Pastoral Care
We are blessed to have five ordained clergy on staff, who have training and a wide variety of experiences in pastoral care. At least one of our pastors is on call 24/7. If you need care, call the office at 704.892.5641. Outside of office hours, your call will be transferred to the pastor on call. To learn more, CLICK HERE.
The Congregational Care Committee encompasses several ministries, with the purpose of truly caring for and sharing God’s love with our DCPC family, especially during the more delicate times of life.
If you are in need one of our ministry groups, and/or you have an interest in serving in a care ministry group, please call the church office at 704.892.5641 or email one of these group leaders directly.
Congregational Care Groups include:
Meal Support Care – Providing meals in times of illness and recovery. If you know someone who needs meals or if you would like to prepare meals, please email Sue Farina.
​Caregiver Support - Caregivers need care, too! Whatever your situation, join other caregivers and pastors on the 4th Tuesday each month from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. and/or the 2nd Monday each month from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Youth Lounge of our Congregation House as we share, listen, learn, and spend time with others who know what caregiving is like. Email Pastor Deborah Conner with any questions.
Transportation – For DCPC members who need help with transportation to medical appointments. Email Rick Drimalla to coordinate.
New Baby – Providing basic support, guidance when requested, and a meal for each new birth and adoption. Email Kristin Clark for all new baby needs.​
Intercessory Prayer - Each Wednesday at 11:30 a.m., people gather for a time of silent intercessory prayer. All are invited. Email Pastor Robert Alexander with prayer requests.
Stephen Ministers - provide confidential one-on-one Christian care to individuals who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. If you would benefit from such care, or if you would like information about becoming a Stephen Minister, please email Julie Pepper of Tammy Proffit, or call the church office.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – Knits or crochets prayer shawls for those facing challenging times. Shawl creators also pray for each recipient. Email Elaine McArn if you are interested.
Home Visitation Care Group - Ensures that those who are struggling with health or other issues receive one-on-one visits. Email Jane Holland to coordinate visitation.
Funeral and Memorial Service Care Teams - Email Mary Mac Kincaid to coordinate a team.
Healing Support Group - Offering support, friendship, and fellowship for those grieving the loss of a loved one, including family members and friends. Please email Marjorie Burris if interested.
Mental Health Matters - Publishes and shares information about mental health topics, support, and resources. For more detailed information, click here or email Cambria Nielsen.