Virtual Worship
Join us for worship on YouTube or Facebook, or on your radio
During the pandemic of 2020-2021 we had to learn to create engaging online worship experiences for our congregation. Even though we are now able to worship in person, we are continuing to provide virtual worship services. Our Sunday morning 8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. services are live-streamed to our YouTube channel and to our Facebook page including a Live Chat feature. These services, along with many of our Faith Formation classes, are recorded and are available on our YouTube channel ('DCPC') at any time.
On Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. you may listen at
or tune your radio to 89.9 FM.
How do our services differ?
Sunday 8:45a.m. Service: This is a traditional liturgical service that meets in the Sanctuary until November 3. Music is supported by the Ott organ and the Geneva choir. We will be back in Lingle Chapel on December 18th.
Sunday 9:45 a.m. Service: This service follows the historical liturgical order, but uses modern era music and texts. Our Music Team uses guitar, keyboard, percussion, and other instruments to lead our singing.
Sunday 11:00 a.m. Service: This is a traditional liturgical service that normally meets in our Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the Wicks organ, handbell choirs, and other musicians contribute to the musical offerings for this service.
YouTube Channel
All of our services are recorded and are available on YouTube. If you watch while the service is live, you can use Live Chat to greet fellow worshipers.
All three of our Sunday morning services are live streamed to Facebook. Use 'DCPC' to find us on Facebook, or CLICK HERE

WDAV 11:00 a.m.
You can listen to our 11:00 a.m. service on WDAV, 89.9 FM or listen via the internet at