News and Reports From Our Mission Projects
2023 Year-End Global Mission Updates from Co-Workers and Organizations We Support
Many of our Global Mission Partners provided reflections and updates to their ministries around the world in 2023. The DCPC Global Mission Committee is providing you with links to many of these in hopes that you will take time to read and learn more about our mission work. Simply click on the name below and it will take you to their most recent update. If you are interested in learning more, in being part of our Global Mission Committee, or in being a liaison to one of these great mission partners, please reach out to Robert Alexander at
Mission Co-Workers
Jhan and Ian Vallenga – Serving in Nicaragua
Paula Cooper – Serving in East Africa
Chenoa Stock – Serving in Peru
Elmarie and Scott Parker – Serving in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria
Mark Adams – Serving at the Arizona/Mexico Border
Mission Organizations
Center for Development in Central America (Jubilee House)
Scott and Elmarie Parker –
Mission Co-Workers to Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq​
On Sunday, Oct. 24,2023 we were privileged to meet with Scott and Elmarie Parker via zoom. They serve the church in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq and joined us to share about some of the challenges and joys that they and the people they serve face every day. Take time to watch this video to learn more about how you can be in prayer for Scott, Elmarie, and the people of that region. Specifically, they ask prayer for the resiliency of the people, for healing from trauma, for wisdom and courage by political leaders, and for the health and wellbeing of the citizens and the church.
CLICK HERE to view the recording of the Zoom call.
Reports From Mission Trips and Projects, Both Domestic and International
Mission Trip to Puerto Rico 2022
In the summer of 2022, twelve DCPC volunteers travelled to Puerto Rico to work with Presbyterian Disaster Relief to help repair homes damaged by hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
Disaster Relief in Wilmington, NC
A team of DCPC volunteers travelled to Wilmington, NC on Sept. 26, 2021 to work with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to repair a home damaged by a Hurricane Florence.

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team with the homeowner

Closing remarks

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Gerardo Arias Comples New Set of Murals.
This past year we were happy to partner with the Jubilee House in Ciudad Sandino to commission artist and friend Gerardo Arias to paint a series of new murals at Casa Ben Linder in Managua. The project is now complete and is a beautiful addition to the facilities there, providing hope, inspiration, and beauty to that city. CLICK HERE to see the originals walls and some of the process. CLICK HERE to see the completed murals. The artist himself provided the following text that helps to explain the symbolism and colors used in the murals. CLICK HERE