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Member Portal - Realm

I have a Realm ID:

To leave DCPC.ORG and go to Realm, CLICK HERE

I've never used Realm and need a Realm ID:

To get a Realm ID, send an email to Stephanie Malushizky ( and request a Realm ID. Within a few days you will receive an email telling you how to finish setting up your account.  See the instructions below.

I need some help with Realm:


Setting up my account

Get info on creating a password, changing your contact information, adding or updating your photo, changing privacy settings, and an overview of what you can do in Realm.


Getting to Realm

You can access Realm from your phone, a web address, or DCPC web site.


Updating your profile

This section tells you how to update your address, contact information, your picture, and your privacy settings.


Explore Realm

Get an overview of the many ways you can use Realm to stay in contact with your fellow members.

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